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WINDOWS SERVER 8[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows Server 8
Ontwikkelaar(s) Microsoft
OS-familie Windows NT
Bronmodel Closed source
Recentste uitgave 6.2.8250 
(29 februari 2012)
Kerneltype Hybride kernel
Licentie(s) Microsoft-EULA
Status In ontwikkeling
Website (en) Officiële pre-release website
Portaal  Portaalicoon   Informatica

Windows Server 8 (WS8) is de codename[1] , waarschijnlijk wordt deze officieel Windows Server 2012 genoemd, voor de toekomstige server ontwikkeld door Microsoft. Het is de serverversie van Windows 8 en is de opvolger van Windows Server 2008 R2. Zoals alle voorganger introduceert de server nieuwe functies of verbeteringen op bestaande functies. De meest opmerkelijke verandering is de nieuwe UI. Windows Server 8 zal de eerste Windows server zijn die ondersteuning bied voor Itanium-gebaseerde computers sinds Windows NT 4.0.[2] Op 9 september 2011 werd er een developer preview (een pre-beta versie) vrijgegeven voor MSDN gebruikers. [3] Op 1 maart 2012 gaf Microsfot een betaversie (Build 8250) uit.[4] Deze uitgave is meteen ook recentste versie.

Builds[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows Server 8 is nog steeds in zijn pre-release stadium van zijn ontwikkeling. Dit wil zeggen dat er nog geen definitieve versie is uitgegeven voor verkoop. Microsoft heeft nog geen specifieke datum vrijgegeven voor de uitgave buiten deze van de developer preview.

Milestone 3[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Een Milestone 3 build (6.2.7959.0) is gelekt op verschillende file-sharing sites. [5] Er is een nieuwe vensterstijl aanwezig maar verder niet veel nieuws. De developer preview is uitgegeven op 9 September 2011 net als de Windows 8's developer preview maar deze was enkel beschikbaar voor de [MSDN] gebruikers.[3] The Metro-style user interface is present, as well as the new Server Manager, along with the other new features. On 16 February 2012, Microsoft announced that the developer preview build, after installing a particular update, will be set to expire on 15 January 2013, instead of the original 8 April 2012.[6]

Build ?[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Op 3 januari 2012 werden er zogezegd screenshots van de build dat de betaversie van Windows Server 8 zouden moeten zijn gelekt. Later bleek het toch niet om de betaversie te gaan. In deze build is de nieuwe User interface aanwezig.[7]

Build 8180[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Build 8180 lekte op 13 januari 2012 en bevatte enkele herzieningen voor Server Manager interface en Storage Spaces.[8]

Beta[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

De beta is vrijgegeven met de Windows 8 Consumer Preview op 29 februari 2012. [9]

Functies[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows Server 8 bevat enkele nieuwe en aangepaste functies.

Gebruikersinterface[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

De Server Manager is herontwerpen met nadruk op het versoepelen van het gebruiken van meerdere servers.[10] Het besturingssysteem, zoals Windows 8, maakt gebruik van de Metro UI wanneer het niet geinstalleerd wordt in de Server Core mode. [11]

In deze versie heeft Windows PowerShell meer dan 2300 commandlets (cmdlets), in Windows Server 2008 R2 was dit slechts 200.[12] There is also command auto-completion.[12]

Taakbeheer[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 en Windows Server 8 bevatten de nieuwe versie van Windows Taakbeheer samen met de oude versie. In de nieuwe versie zijn de tabs standaard verborgen, waarbij er programma's worden weergegeven. In het nieuwe Proces tabblad worden de processen weergeven in verschillende gele tinten. Hoe donkerder de tint, hoe zwaarder de bronnen worden gebruikt. Ook wordt de programmanaam, -status, CPU-gebruik, totale CPU-gebruik, geheugen, harde schijf gegevens, netwerkbronnen weergegeven.

Installation options[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Integenstellig tot zijn voorganger kan Windows Server 8 schakelen tussen Server Core en GUI installatie opties zonder herinstalleren. Er is ook een nieuwe derde installatieoptie dat toestaat dat MMC en Server Manager toestaat zonder Windows Explorer of andere onderdelen van de normale GUI.[13]

IP address management (IPAM)[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

IPAM in Windows Server “8” Beta is a new built-in framework for discovering, monitoring, auditing, and managing the IP address space used on a corporate network. IPAM provides for administration and monitoring of servers running Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name Service (DNS). IPAM includes components for:

  • Automatic IP address infrastructure discovery: IPAM discovers domain controllers, DHCP servers, and DNS servers in the domains you choose. You can enable or disable management of these servers by IPAM.
  • Custom IP address space display, reporting, and management: The display of IP addresses is highly customizable and detailed tracking and utilization data is available. IPv4 and IPv6 address space is organized into IP address blocks, IP address ranges, and individual IP addresses. IP addresses are assigned built-in or user-defined fields that can be used to further organize IP address space into hierarchical, logical groups.
  • Audit of server configuration changes and tracking of IP address usage: Operational events are displayed for the IPAM server and managed DHCP servers. IPAM also enables IP address tracking using DHCP lease events and user logon events collected from Network Policy Server (NPS), domain controllers, and DHCP servers. Tracking is available by IP address, client ID, host name, or user name.
  • Monitoring and management of DHCP and DNS services: IPAM enables automated service availability monitoring for Microsoft DHCP and DNS servers across the forest. DNS zone health is displayed, and detailed DHCP server and scope management is available using the IPAM console.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are fully supported. [14] [15]

Active Directory[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows Server 8 has a number of changes to Active Directory from the version shipped with Windows Server 2008 R2. The Active Directory Domain Services installation wizard has been replaced by a new section in Server Manager, and the Active Directory Administrative Center has been enhanced. A GUI has been added to the Active Directory Recycle Bin. Password policies can more easily differ within the same domain. Active Directory in Windows Server 8 is now aware of any changes resulting from virtualization, and virtualized domain controllers can be safely cloned. Upgrades of the domain functional level to Windows Server 8 are simplified; it can be performed entirely in Server Manager. Active Directory Federation Services is no longer required to be downloaded when installed as a role, and claims which can be used by the Active Directory Federation Services have been introduced into the Kerberos token. Windows Powershell commands used by Active Directory Administrative Center can be viewed in a "Powershell History Viewer".[16][17]

Hyper-V[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Zie Hyper-V#Future voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp.

Windows Server 8, along with Windows 8, will include a new version of Hyper-V,[18] as presented at the Microsoft Build Event[19] Many new features have been added to Hyper-V, including network virtualization, multi-tenancy, storage resource pools, cross-premise connectivity, and cloud backup. Additionally, many of the former restrictions on resource consumption have been greatly lifted. Each virtual machine in this version of Hyper-V can access up to 32 virtual processors, up to 512 gigabytes of random-access memory, and up to 16 terabytes of virtual disk space per virtual hard disk (using a new .vhdx format). Up to 1024 virtual machines can be active per host, and up to 4000 can be active per failover cluster.[20][21] The version of Hyper-V shipped with the client version of Windows 8 requires a processor that supports SLAT and for SLAT to be turned on, while the version in Windows Server 8 only requires it if the RemoteFX role is installed.[22]

ReFS[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

ReFS (Resilient File System, originally codenamed "Protogon") is a new file system initially intended for file servers that improves on NTFS in Windows Server 8. Major new features of ReFS include: [23]

Improved reliability for on-disk structures
ReFS uses B+ trees for all on-disk structures including metadata and file data. The file size, total volume size, number of files in a directory and number of directories in a volume are limited by 64-bit numbers, which translates to maximum file size of 16 Exbibytes, maximum volume size of 1 Yobibyte (with 64 KB clusters), which allows large scalability with no practical limits on file and directory size (hardware restrictions still apply). Metadata and file data are organized into tables similar to relational database. Free space is counted by a hierarchal allocator which includes three separate tables for large, medium, and small chunks. File names and file paths are each limited to a 32 KB Unicode text string.
Built-in resiliency
ReFS employs a allocation-on-write update strategy for metadata, which allocates new chunks for every update transaction and uses large IO batches. All ReFS metadata has built-in 64-bit checksums which are stored independently. The file data can have an optional checksum in a separate "integrity stream", in which case the file update strategy also implements allocation-on-write; this is controlled by a new "integrity" attribute applicable to both files and directories. If nevertheless file data or metadata becomes corrupt, the file can be deleted without taking down the whole volume offline for maintenance, then restored from the backup. As a result of built-in resiliency, administrators do not need to periodically run error-checking tools such as CHKDSK when using ReFS.
Compatibility with existing APIs and technologies
ReFS does not require new system APIs and most file system filters continue to work with ReFS volumes. ReFS supports many existing Windows and NTFS features such as BitLocker encryption, Access Control Lists, USN Journal, change notifications,[24] symbolic links, junction points, mount points, reparse points, volume snapshots, file IDs, and oplock. ReFS seamlessly integrates with Storage Spaces, a storage virtualization layer that allows data mirroring and striping, as well as sharing storage pools between machines.[25] ReFS resiliency features enhance the mirroring feature provided by Storage Spaces and can detect whether any mirrored copies of files become corrupt using background data scrubbing process, which periodically reads all mirror copies and verifies their checksums then replaces bad copies with good ones.

Some NTFS features are not supported in ReFS, including named streams, object IDs, short names, file compression, file level encryption (EFS), user data transactions, sparse files, hard links, extended attributes, and disk quotas.[23][26] ReFS does not itself offer data deduplication. Dynamic disks with mirrored or striped volumes are replaced with mirrored or striped storage pools provided by Storage Spaces. However, in Windows Server 8, automated error-correction is only supported on mirrored spaces, and booting from ReFS is not supported either.

ReFS was first shown in screenshots from leaked build 6.2.7955, where it went by code name "Protogon".[27] [28] [29][30] Support for ReFS is absent in the developer preview (build 8102). ReFS is not readable by Windows 7 or earlier.[27]

Hardware[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Microsoft heeft de maximale ondersteunde hardware gegeven voor Windows Server 8 vrijgegeven op de BUILD-conference.[21]

Logical processors 640 (was 256 bij Windows Server 2008 R2)
Random-access memory 4 TB (was 2 TB bij Windows Server 2008 R2)
Failover cluster nodes 63 (was 16 bij Windows Server 2008 R2)

Systeem vereisten[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Microsoft heeft vermeld dat Windows Server 8 32-bit (IA-32) or Itanium (IA-64) processors,[31] niet zal ondersteunen maar heeft officieel nog geen andere systeem vereisten vrijgegeven buiten deze voor de beta.

Minimale systeem vereisten voor Windows Server 8 Beta[32]
Architecture x86-64 (64-bit)
Processor 1.4 GHz
Memory (RAM) 512 MB
HDD free space 32 GB (meer als er meer dan 16 GB of RAM is)

Een upgrade van Windows Server 2008 en Windows Server 2008 R2 zijn ondersteund alhoewel een upgrade tot de volgende uitgave niet ondersteund is. [32]

Verder informatie[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Externe links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Referenties[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  1. Microsoft Codename "Windows Server 8" 1. Microsoft. Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  2. Foley, Mary Jo, Microsoft pulls the plug on future Itanium support. ZDNet. Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  3. a b Windows Server 8: An Introduction 1. Microsoft (9 september 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  4. Laing, Bill, Windows Server “8” beta available now!. Windows Server Blog. TechNet (March 1, 2011). Geraadpleegd op 1 March 2012.
  5. Warren, Tom, Windows Server 8 Milestone 3 build 7959 leaked 1. WinRumors (1 May 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  6. An update that postpones the expiration date of Windows 8 Developer Preview and Windows 8 Server Developer Preview is available. Microsoft (February 16, 2012). Geraadpleegd op February 19, 2012.
  7. Canouna,>>Happy New Year 2012 1. WinUnleaked (January 04, 2012). Geraadpleegd op January 04, 2012.
  8. Schiesser, Tim, Windows Server 8 hits build 8180, new screenshots emerge 1. Neowin (January 13, 2012). Geraadpleegd op January 13, 2012.
  9. Thurott, Paul, Q: Where can I download and get more information on Windows Server "8" Beta and Windows 8 Consumer Preview?. Penton (February 29, 2012). Geraadpleegd op February 29, 2012.
  10. WIndows Server 8 Screenshot Leak Shows New UI
  11. Wilhelm, Alex, Windows Server 8 Screenshot leaks. Leaked Windows Server 8 screenshot shows off Metro-infused UI 1. The Next Web (9 september 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  12. a b Thurott, Paul, Windows Server "8" Preview (Unedited, Complete Version) 1. Paul Thurott's Supersite for Windows (2 november 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  13. Bisson, Simon, Windows 8 Server Developer Preview 2. ZDNet (14 september 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  16. Bruzzese, J. Peter, Windows Server 8: The 4 best new Active Directory features 2. Infoworld (October 26, 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  17. Deuby, Sean, What's New in Windows Server 8 Active Directory 2. Windows IT Pro (14 september 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  18. Windows Server 8 (Video and Slides).
  19. Microsoft Build Windows Server 8 and Hyper-V 3.0 sessions (Video and Slides).
  20. A deep dive into Hyper-V Networking (Video and Slides).
  21. a b Q: What are Windows Server 8's Scalability Numbers?. Geraadpleegd op 5 november 2011.
  22. Thurott, Paul, Q: Will Windows Server 8 require the processor to support SLAT?. Geraadpleegd op 5 november 2011.
  23. a b Verma, Surendra, Building the next generation file system for Windows: ReFS. Building Windows 8 Blog (January 16, 2012).
  25. Virtualizing storage for scale, resiliency, and efficiency. Building Windows 8 blog (5 januari 2012).
  27. a b admin, Protogon: New Windows Filesystem?. OverhackIT (June 1, 2011). Geraadpleegd op October 2, 2011. {{Dead link|date=October 2011}}
  28. Windows 8: New "Protogon" filesystem could be the next big thing. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  29. Warren, Tom, New Protogon file system in Windows 8 renamed to ReFS 1. WinRumors (1 december 2011). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  30. Microsoft's new Windows 8 Resilient File System (ReFS) will be server only.
  31. Foley, Mary Jo, Microsoft pulls the plug on future Itanium support 1. ZDNet (5 april 2010). Geraadpleegd op January 1, 2012.
  32. a b Windows Server “8” System Requirements. Microsoft. Geraadpleegd op 1 March 2012.

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NIEWE FUCNTIES WINDOWS 8[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 is expected to include several new features, including USB 3.0 support, Live ID integration, the Windows Store, the ability to run from USB Flash drives with Windows To Go, and easier system restore options, among others.

Development platform[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Language and standards support[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 has a new developer platform according to Microsoft Vice President Julie Larson-Green, who called it "our new developer platform, which is...based on HTML5 and JavaScript."[1] The new applications developed for Windows 8 could be easily ported as a Metro-style application and developers could use any existing Windows Application Development language to port applications as a Metro-style app (by adding minimal amount of code). This is possible because of the architectural changes done to the Windows platform. All applications developed – whether using C#, MFC, or HTML5/JavaScript – will translate into the WinRT APIs,[2] which sits directly above the Windows kernel. The new applications run in full-screen, but two of them can be displayed side-by-side using "Snap". Examples of new applications that were demoed include a Twitter client, a weather application, a stock-tracking application, an RSS news feeder, and a virtual piano.

The new platform is primarily designed for 16:9 screen resolutions, with 1366×768 and larger screens able to display two Windows 8 "Metro-style" applications side-by-side by "snapping". 1024×768 screens can display one application in full-screen, and 1024×600 screens can only use the traditional desktop applications.[3]

Windows 8 also introduces APIs to support near field communication (NFC) on Windows 8 devices, allowing functionality like launching URLs/applications and sharing of information between devices via NFC.[4]

Windows Store[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Zie Windows Store voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp.

Microsoft has confirmed the introduction of a Windows Store on Windows 8, similar to the Ubuntu Software Center, and Mac App Store, that allows developers to publish their Metro-style applications on Windows 8 devices. The Windows Store will also allow developers to publish their Win32 or "traditional desktop" applications, however, the store will only provide links to the application on their website. Ted Dworkin, a Partner Director of Program Management on the Windows Web Services team highlighted that the Windows Store will be the only means of distributing Metro-style apps to users to allow Microsoft to scan apps for security flaws and malware.[5]

Shell and user interface[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Metro style[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 features an extensively redesigned "Metro-style" user interface, optimized for touchscreens as well as mice and keyboards. A new "Start screen", similar to the one in Windows Phone 7, includes live application tiles. The start screen replaces the Start menu, being triggered by the Start button or Windows key, and is also the first screen shown on start up. The user can go to the regular desktop, which is treated as a Metro app with its own "Desktop" tile on the Start screen. Starting a traditional desktop-based application also switches to the desktop. The Start screen also displays the user's name and picture.

Windows 8 features a new login/lock screen that shows the date and time and notifications, along with a customizable background.

New alternate logon methods[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Instead of typing a password, users can create a 4-digit PIN for easy logon to the computer. This feature is optimized for tablet PCs, but it is also available to desktop and laptop users.

Another authentication method, the picture password, allows users to use a set of gestures in the selected picture to login. These gestures will take into account the shape, the start and end points, as well as the directionality. However, the shapes and gestures are limited to tapping and tracing a line or circle. Microsoft found that limiting the gestures improved the speed of sign-ins by three times compared to allowing freeform methods. Wrong gestures will always deny a login, and it will lock out the PC after five unsuccessful attempts, until a text password is provided. [6][7]

Taskbar[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 provides a configurable taskbar in the traditional Windows desktop that spans multiple monitors. The Multiple Monitor Taskbar can be turned on and off and is used to display the minimized windows. Similarly, Windows 8 provides the user with the ability to show different wallpapers on different monitors, or the same wallpaper stretched across multiple monitors.There is no start button.To open the start screen,right click on the left edge of the taskbar and click on start

Windows Explorer[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Similar to Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows Live Essentials, the re-designed Windows Explorer will use the Ribbon interface to enhance discoverability of commands and bring relevant commands to users depending on their file selection. For example, selecting photos in a folder brings up tools to rotate the photos and to start a slide show. The interface was selected to bring forward the most commonly used commands for easy access.[8]

Additionally, Windows Explorer features a redesigned preview pane that takes advantage of widescreen layouts and the "Up" button removed from Windows Explorer in Windows Vista and Windows 7 is now included in the interface.[8]

Windows Explorer will feature a new user interface for copying and moving files, offering both a simplified interface and an advanced interface for users to monitor the speed of the operations. Users now view all simultaneous file operations in one consolidated window, and can pause file operations in progress.[9] A new interface has also been introduced for managing file name collisions in a file operation, allowing users to easily control which conflicting files are copied.[10]

Windows Explorer can now mount ISO, IMG, and VHD files as virtual drives through simple right-clicks or the Explorer toolbar[11] as compared to Windows 7 where VHDs could be mounted in a less-discoverable way, via the Disk Management section in the Computer Management MMC, or by using diskpart from the command line.[12]

Task Manager[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

A new Task Manager replaces Windows Task Manager (though the old version is also included).

The following changes were made:[13]

  • The tabs are hidden by default. This view only shows applications
  • Resource utilization in the Processes tab is shown with various shades of yellow, with darker color representing heavier use.
  • The Performance tab is split into CPU, memory, disk, Ethernet, and wireless network (if applicable) sections. There are overall graphs for each, and clicking on one reaches details for that particular resource
    • The CPU tab no longer displays individual graphs for every logical processor on the system by default. It now can show data for each NUMA node
    • The CPU tab now displays simple percentages on heat-mapping tiles to display utilization for systems with many (64 or more, up to 640) logical processors.[14] The color used for these heat maps is blue, with darker color again indicating heavier utilization
    • Hovering the cursor over any logical processor's data now shows the NUMA node of that processor and its ID
  • A new Startup tab has been added that lists startup applications
  • The Processes tab now lists application names, application status, and overall usage data for CPU, memory, hard disk, and network resources for each process
    • The new task manager recognizes when a WinRT application is in "Suspended" status
    • The normal process information found in the older Task Manager can be found in the new Details tab

New easy restore[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

The Developer Preview comes with two new recovery functions, namely Refresh and Reset, both of which make a complete restore easier than a re-installation. The former keeps all settings & files of the user intact and only reverses all changes to Windows files to its original state and removes all installed programs and apps. The latter deletes all files and effectively re-installs Windows, but without any additional user input such as agreeing to license agreements or selecting a hard disk required. After a reset completes, the user will be asked for the product key and will then proceed to account creation.[15][16]

Windows Live ID integration[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

One big change is that user accounts do not have to be local-only anymore, but can be linked up to one's Windows Live ID. This has the advantage that users will not lose their settings and files, as they move from their home computer to their work laptop or to any other computer also using Windows 8, and signing in via Windows Live ID.[17]

Windows To Go[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Bootable Windows To Go USB flash drive
Zie Windows To Go voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp.

Windows To Go is an upcoming Windows 8 feature that will allow users to create a bootable USB Flash drive (usually called a Live USB) with Windows 8 in it, including the user's programs, settings, and files.[18][19][20][21] It is planned to work on both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0, and both on legacy BIOS and UEFI firmware.[22] In addition to that, the system will freeze if the USB drive is removed, and will continue to operate if the USB drive is inserted in the next 60 seconds after removal.[22][23]

Storage Spaces[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Storage Spaces is a storage virtualization technology which succeeds Logical Disk Manager and allows the organization of physical disks into logical volumes similar to RAID1 or RAID5, but on a higher level. [24]

A storage space will behave like a physical disk to the user, with thin provisioning of available disk space. The spaces are organized within a storage pool, i.e. a collection of physical disks, which can span multiple disks of different sizes and different interfaces (USB, SATA, SAS). The process of adding new disks or replacing failed or older disks is fully automatic, but can be controlled with PowerShell commands. The same storage pool can host multiple storage spaces. Storage Spaces have built-in resiliency from disk failures, which is achieved by either mirroring or striping with parity across the physical disks. Each storage pool on the ReFS filesystem is limited to 4 PB (4096 TB), but there are no limits on total number of storage pools or the number of storage spaces within a pool.[25]

Device support[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

USB 3.0[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 will have built-in support of USB 3.0 for better power management and longer battery life.[26][27]

New architecture support[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 will support System on a Chip (SoC) architectures, including ARM-based systems. On the x86 architecture, Intel Corporation and AMD continue their work on low-power SoC designs that support Windows.[28]

Other features and changes[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Activation[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Mike Angiulo confirmed at Computex 2011 that Windows 8 will use OEM Activation 3.0 instead of OEM Activation 2.1 (used by Windows 7), which supposedly makes it less prone to cracks.

Virtualization[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 will also include Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization software. Previously only offered in Windows Server, Hyper-V will now be available in client versions of Windows for the first time. The system requirements for Hyper-V are a 64-bit processor, a 64-bit version of Windows 8, and a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. Hyper-V also requires a 64-bit system that has Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), a feature that helps with memory management. Many of Intel's and AMD's recent processors support this feature, including many of Intel's i-Series processors (with Extended Page Table) and AMD's 10h family processors.[29]

Shorter boot times[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

On September 8, 2011, Microsoft announced that Windows 8 has short boot times, because it saves the kernel's memory to the hard disk on shutdown (similar to the existing hibernate option) and reloads it on start up.[30]

Boot security[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 will support the UEFI secure boot feature.[31] This will enable a new foundation for an architecturally neutral approach to platform and firmware security. It is based on a public key infrastructure (PKI) process to validate firmware images before they are allowed to execute. A secure boot helps reduce the risk of boot loader attacks.

WDDM[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Windows 8 includes WDDM 1.2 and DXGI 1.2. New features were first previewed at the Windows BUILD conference and include performance improvements as well as support for stereoscopic 3D rendering and video playback.

Other major features include preemptive multitasking with finer granularity (DMA buffer, primitive, triangle, pixel, or instruction-level), reduced memory footprint, improved resource sharing, and faster timeout detection and recovery. 16-bit color surface formats (565, 5551, 4444) are mandatory in Windows 8, and Direct3D 11 Video supports YUV 4:4:4/4:2:2/4:2:0/4:1:1 video formats with 8, 10, and 16-bit precision, as well as 4 and 8-bit palletized formats.

See also[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

References[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  1. Peter Bright, Why Microsoft has made developers horrified about coding for Windows 8. Arstechnica (13 juni 2011). Geraadpleegd op 28 juni 2011.
  2. The Windows Runtime. Microsoft (February 2012).
  3. Microsoft Demos Windows 8 at First Public Event. (20 augustus 2011). Geraadpleegd op 8 september 2011.
  4. NFC: Windows 8′s hidden connection to tags and devices. Geraadpleegd op 19 september 2011.
  5. Tom, Warren, Microsoft details and demos the Windows Store for Windows 8. Geraadpleegd op 19 september 2011.
  6. Keynote #1 | BUILD2011 | Channel 9. (13 september 2011). Geraadpleegd op 7 november 2011.
  7. Zach Pace, Signing in with a picture password. Microsoft (December 2011).
  8. a b Improvements in Windows Explorer. Microsoft (August 2011).
  9. Improving our file management basics: copy, move, rename and delete. Microsoft (August 2011).
  10. Designing the Windows 8 file name collision experience. Microsoft (August 2011).
  11. Accessing data in ISO and VHD files. Microsoft (August 2011).
  12. Create and Use a Virtual Hard Disk on Windows 7. Microsoft. Geraadpleegd op February 2012.
  13. The Windows 8 Task Manager. Microsoft (October 2011).
  14. Using Task Manager with 64+ logical processors. Geraadpleegd op October 29, 2011.
  15. Refresh and reset your PC. Microsoft (January 2012).
  16. Making the lives of IT easier: Windows 8 Refresh, Reset, and Windows To Go. Ars Technica (September 2011).
  17. Signing in to Windows 8 with a Windows Live ID. Microsoft (September 2011). "Saved settings are available when you sign in to your account on any Windows 8 PC"
  18. Gregg Keizer, Windows 8 will run from USB thumb drive. Computerworld. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  19. Windows 8 fits on a thumb drive - Technology - GMA News Online - Latest Philippine News. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  20. Windows 8 Running on a USB – Windows To Go - Softpedia. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  21. Windows 8 to feature USB-runnable Portable Workspaces, sales of 16GB thumb drives set to soar. Engadget (15 april 2011). Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  22. a b [Videos] Microsoft Demonstrates Windows To Go (Run Windows 8 From USB On Any PC). Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  23. What Happens When You Remove A Windows To Go USB drive (Windows 8). YouTube. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2011.
  24. Virtualizing storage for scale, resiliency, and efficiency. Building Windows 8 blog (5 januari 2012).
  25. Building the next generation file system for Windows: ReFS. Building Windows 8 Blog (16 januari 2012).
  26. Building robust USB 3.0 support. Microsoft (August 2011).
  27. Microsoft to provide USB 3.0 support for better battery life in Windows 8. ZDNet (August 2011).
  28. Microsoft Announces Support of System on a Chip Architectures From Intel, AMD, and ARM for Next Version of Windows: January 5, 2011. (5 januari 2011). Geraadpleegd op 7 november 2011.
  29. Microsoft announces Hyper-V in Windows 8. (8 september 2011).
  30. Microsoft Touts Incredible Windows 8 Boot Times. Geraadpleegd op 9 september 2011.
  31. Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI.

External links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Examorgana is een overhoorprogramma, voornamelijk bedoeld voor het leren van woorden uit een vreemde taal.

Het programma bestaat sinds 2010, maar regelmatig verschijnen nieuwe versies. De hoofdontwikkelaar is BE & RBN.

Tijdens het overhoren kunnen ook speciale tekens worden toegevoegd, zoals ë, ã, en ö. Het programma is beschikbaar in het Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits.

Externe link[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

[[Categorie:Leermiddel]] [[Categorie:Onderwijssoftware]]

Microsoft Office 2013
Ontwikkelaar(s) Microsoft
Recentste versie ontwikkeling 
Categorie Kantoorsoftwarepakket
Licentie(s) Propriëtaire EULA (commercieel)
Portaal  Portaalicoon   Informatica

Microsoft Office 2013, codenaam Office 15, is een toekomstige versie van Microsoft Office en is daarmee de opvolger van Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft Office 2013 zal vermoedelijk draaien op Windows Vista, Windows 7 en Windows 8, en zal zowel in een 32 bits- als een 64 bits-versie beschikbaar zijn.

Nieuw in Office 2013[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Vermoedelijk installeert men twee versies van Office 2013, een metro-versie en een desktop-versie. Dit wordt ook zo gedaan met de nieuwe versie van Internet Explorer in Windows 8. De metro-versie zal dan waarschijnlijk minder functies bevatten.

Office 2013-interface[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

De metro-versie zal de typische ‘platte’ metro-look hebben. De desktop-versie zal waarschijnlijk het lint bevatten dat geïntroduceerd is in Office 2007.

Office Marketplace[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Mogelijk komt er ook rechtstreekse integraties van de Office Marketplace.

Pdf[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

In Office 13 is het nu ook mogelijk om pdf te openen en te bewerken. [1]

Builds[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Alfa[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Op lekten er enkele screenshots van de alfaversie, codenaam Office 15, door een tester. [2]

Bèta[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

De publieke testversie (bèta) is aangekondigd voor de zomer van 2012. Hiermee wil Microsoft Office 2013 vermoedelijk gelijktijdig af hebben als Windows 8 dat in oktober te koop zal zijn. Deze versie gaat officieel Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview heten [3].

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[[Categorie:Microsoft Office|2013]] [[ar:أوفيس 2013]] [[de:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[en:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[es:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[fi:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[fr:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[hr:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[it:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[ko:마이크로소프트 오피스 2013]] [[mr:मायक्रोसॉफ्ट ऑफिस २०१०]] [[no:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[pl:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[pt:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[ro:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[ru:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[sh:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[simple:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[tr:Microsoft Office 2013]] [[zh:Microsoft Office 2013]]